Top 5 DIY Home Decor Projects for a Weekend Makeover

May 16, 2024 in Home & Garden - Micaela

Transforming your living space doesn’t necessarily require a hefty budget or the help of professionals. With a touch of creativity and some elbow grease, you can give your home a fresh new look over just a weekend. In this blog post, we explore the top five DIY home decor projects that are not only cost-effective but also fun to undertake. Each project can revitalise your home, making it more beautiful and functional without breaking the bank.

1. Statement Wall Painting

One of the simplest ways to make a dramatic change to any room is by painting a statement wall. This project can usually be completed in a day and can entirely change the atmosphere of your space. Choose a bold colour that contrasts with the other walls or, for a subtler effect, opt for a soft pastel or neutral shade. For those feeling adventurous, geometric patterns or stencils can add an extra layer of uniqueness to your feature wall, turning a plain wall into a focal point.

Tips for Success:

  • Ensure the wall is clean and smooth before painting.
  • Use painter’s tape to protect skirting boards and to create clean lines for patterns.
  • Apply a primer if you’re making a drastic colour change.

2. Upcycled Furniture

Upcycling is not just eco-friendly; it’s also a superb way to inject personality into your home. Take an old piece of furniture and give it a new lease of life with some sandpaper, paint, or new upholstery. For example, an old chair can be reupholstered with vibrant fabric to add a colourful accent to your room, or an outdated coffee table can be sanded and painted for a sleek modern look.

Tips for Success:

  • Choose structurally sound pieces.
  • Don’t skimp on preparation; thorough sanding can make all the difference.
  • Use high-quality materials to ensure a lasting finish.

3. Handmade Shelving

Adding shelving can enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of any room. With some basic brackets, boards, and a bit of paint or stain, you can create custom shelving that fits perfectly into your chosen space. Shelves in the kitchen for spices, in the living room for books and decorations, or even in the bathroom for extra storage can add organisation and style.

Tips for Success:

  • Measure twice, and cut once to ensure your shelves fit perfectly.
  • Use appropriate fixings for the wall type, especially for heavy loads.
  • Consider creative placements like corner shelves or floating shelves.

4. DIY Window Treatments

Custom window treatments can be expensive, but making your own is a cost-effective and gratifying alternative. Whether sewing your curtains or creating simple Roman blinds, this project allows for complete customisation of fabric patterns and sizes. Plus, new window treatments can change the light dynamics of a room, setting a new mood and style.

Tips for Success:

  • Choose a fabric that complements the existing room decor and meets your light-blocking needs.
  • Ensure accurate measurements for both width and height.
  • Iron fabrics before cutting and sewing for a professional finish.

5. Artistic Photo Collages

Create an eye-catching photo wall by framing and arranging photographs, prints, or even children’s artwork. This project can be an expressive and sentimental addition to your home, allowing you to showcase your memories stylishly. Use frames of different sizes but keep a consistent colour, such as all black or all white, to bring cohesion to the collection.

Tips for Success:

  • Plan your layout on the floor before mounting frames on the wall.
  • Use a level to ensure pictures hang straight.
  • Consider using removable picture hanging strips to avoid nail holes in the walls.


Weekend DIY projects not only enhance your living environment but also provide a rewarding sense of accomplishment. Each of these ideas can be tailored to fit your style and the existing decor of your home. So why not pick a project this weekend and start transforming your space? Not only will you end up with a refreshed home, but you’ll also have the satisfaction of having done it yourself.


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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