So, you have fallen in love with a prom dress but it’s not quite the right size. Going through all the prom dresses and picking one out was hard enough and now it needs alternations? There are a few misconceptions about getting an item of clothing altered and today I am going to address 4 of them.
Tailors and Scams
You might be concerned that you are being overcharged or scammed by a tailor if there is no list of prices available on their website but this is rarely the case
It’s worth doing some research to be on the safe side, so call up your local tailors and ask them for a quote before you choose one for the job. Don’t forget you are paying for their time and expertise so that your prom dress turns out just how you want it to.
The Right Size
People come in all shapes and sizes so it is important that your dress is in the correct size and flatters your personal shape. From petite to plus size prom dresses you should not forget to have a proper fitting. Having a garment
Don’t be tempted to buy a garment which is too small or big, even if it is on sale as sometimes the structure or fabric of the clothing makes it impossible to alter and you can waste your money. So shop smart as the tailor can’t always come to your rescue!
Every Fabric is Not Created Equal
I have just started learning how to sew using a machine and it is safe to say that some material is trickier to work with than others. Delicate fabrics need more care when altering them. It’s best to hand stitch these fabrics instead of relying on the stitching machine.
Putting it simply a chambray top and silk blouse don’t take the same amount of time and hence investment to have altered. A quality tailor should be able to handle almost any fabric. Keep in mind that some tailors can help with your hems and repairs but will not alter more difficult fabrics.
If you need to alter a tricky material it is best to do some research to find the right tailor for the job. There are some tailors which
No Overnight Results
If you need a garment altered it is always best to plan ahead and ensure you have plenty of time to have it altered before you need to wear it.
Don’t forget a Tailor may not be able to help you with short notice as they will have other jobs on the go. The turn-around time depends on a few key elements such as the type and difficulty of alteration, the material, what other jobs they are working on etc.
Basic alternations such as hemming a garment can take 3-5 days to complete, more elaborate changes will need longer. It is recommend that you have any alterations done a couple of weeks before you need it just to be safe.
Some Tailors do offer a ‘rush service’ for emergencies but you shouldn’t rely on this. Getting a last-minute appointment is a mistake itself. For better results, you better book early!

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