New Years Resolutions 2019

August 20, 2023 in Crafts, Lifestyle

Are you making any New Years Resolutions? I tend to make very similar ones every year but this year I am throwing in a couple of new ones for good measure! Donate to the local Food Bank Traditionally the time around Christmas has always been a time for giving to those less fortunate. For 2019 I have decided that I…

My current crafty projects

June 3, 2023 in Crafts, Lifestyle

I love to be crafty. My usual crafts of choice are knitting and crochet, if you look around my house you will see lots of homemade scarves and blankets! I have to admit that I am not an expert and can only do the basics but I enjoy turning a ball of yarn into something which will keep someone cosy…

Shoreham Food Festival 2018

April 2, 2023 in Crafts, Lifestyle, Reviews

I’ve been trying to get more involved in local events recently so when I saw someone on Facebook post about the Shoreham Food Festival last weekend I decided to drop in and see what it is all about, having never visited before! The Shoreham Food Festival launched in 2016 and has been designed to showcase the best of what Kent has to…

5 DIY Father’s Day Gift Ideas

February 13, 2023 in Crafts

With lockdown having made shopping tricky, I have turned to making my own gifts and with Father’s Day coming up soon it’s a great opportunity to get my craft on and made something great for my dad to celebrate. It can be hard to find store-bought gifts that have the right balance of practicality and love, so getting out the…

Day of the Dead by Don Simkovich & Lon Casler Bixby

December 25, 2022 in Crafts, Lifestyle

If you were to look through the physical books in my home and have a browse through my Kindle library you would see that one genre wins in the popularity contest hands down; detective stories! That’s right, from Jeffery Deaver and Peter Robinson to Kathy Reichs and James Patterson there’s nothing I love more than to delve into a world of…

Glorify A Mixture Of Materials in your Contemporary Home

December 5, 2022 in Crafts, Home & Garden

Sadly, we are living in an age where there is no certainty of design. The contemporary world of interior design is trying to find its legs. Shame then, because at the moment it can feel like a baby deer wobbling on spindly legs. The thing is, contemporary designers have taken too much inspiration from modern, midcentury and of course postmodern…

3 things I couldn’t live without

October 11, 2022 in Crafts, Lifestyle

There are some things in life that just make life worth living and when I reflect upon the 3 things that I couldn’t live without there are a few clear things that beat out the competition. As someone who has recently given up a bunch of diet-related things that other people might say they can’t live without (flour, sugar, all…

My ideal home office set up

September 5, 2022 in Crafts, Lifestyle

For nearly 3 years now I have been working from home as a digital marketing consultant and I still haven’t achieved my perfect home office set up which is pretty pathetic! I see other people sharing photographs of their beautiful and functional workspaces and it makes me very jealous. My main problem has been that my workspace hasn’t been in…

Review: Cricut EasyPress 2

August 30, 2022 in Crafts

I have to admit that I am a lazy crafter. I like things to be quick and easy with minimal fuss which is why I am currently loving the Cricut EasyPress 2 because it allows me to design and personalise craft projects such as tote bags, tea towels and t-shirts without having to set up my iron! You might think…



Welcome to Life in Lilac, a lifestyle blog run by Micaela which encompasses all areas of life.

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