I have to admit I am one of those people that likes to switch between projects rather than focusing on getting one finished before moving onto the next so I always have something crafty on the go.
Today I am going to tell you about 3 projects I am currently working on.
Crochet Temperature Blanket
This year I decided to go all out with my crochet and make myself a temperature blanket. What is a temperature blanket I hear you ask, well, simply put each row in my blanket represents the temperature for each day of the year.
I have chosen a range of colours from white (very cold days) through to blues, green, yellow, orange and red (very hot days). At the end of the year, I will have a stripy blanket representing the temperatures of the whole year. As you can see so far it has been a cold start to the year!
I have to admit that it is a little tiresome having to record all the temperatures for each day and keeping up with the rows is being a bit of a challenge but I am determined to continue on and finish to make an amazing blanket that I will love.

Sampler Quilt
I recently joined a beginner’s quilting course and have been slowly getting over my fear of sewing machines in order to create lovely blocks of different designs which will all ultimately be sewn together to make a sampler quilt.
With the help of my handy Cricut Maker (see the review here) I have found it easy to cut out the shapes I need for my quilt – so far squares and rectangles of various sizes and been industriously sewing them together with my lovely new Singer sewing machine (review here) – a gift from my mum who is going the course with me.
I have really enjoyed making my blocks so far with only minimal technical hitches as I get used to using the sewing machine. I am sure the block design will be getting more and more intricate so fingers crossed I will be able to cope!

Crochet Gift for Friend Blanket
As well as my temperature blanket I am currently in the progress of making a very colourful crochet blanket for a friend of mine who lives in the States.
I am using this blanket as a stash busting exercise – a way of using up lots of yarn that I have lying around – I have tonnes of yarn sitting around in boxes that should be used up!
I am making the blanket out of all different colours of yarn and using the V stitch to make an attractive zig-zag style pattern which hopefully my friend will love.
I really enjoy making things for other people and can’t wait to see how this one turns out in the end!

What are you currently crafting?
Loving the idea of a temperature blanket. Might have to make myself one. I am fairly new to crochet, and I have a quick question for you. When you are doing single lines on a blanket and have to change colour, do you just weave in the ends? Has I have been doing this but on some lines you can see the end of the yarn poking out
I do my best to crochet the ends into the next row as I go along where I can, but otherwise yes I have to sew them in which is tiresome!
What some absolutely beautiful items. I love seeing what people are getting up to with their crafting. I miss my fingers doing what i want and doing some crafts.
I adore the idea of a temperature blanket! Perfect for remembering sunny days when you’re huddled under it!
You’ve definitely got a lot on the go! What a lovely gift for your friend in the US!
We’re currently crafting an Easter Bonnet but love the idea of making a quilt for my bed x you are very talented x
My mam is so good at all of these crafts, she can literally knit and crochet anything without putting thought into it… I am only good at dropping stitches x
oh wow these are lovely! I tried to crochet a blanket for my youngest and it’s still unfinished, she is 4 now!
I love the colours in your quilt, I wish I was as talented
I’ve never heard of a temperature blanket but that sounds brilliant! very time consuming but will be such a treasure when you’ve finished x
I really wish I was more crafty with things like this, I’d love to make a patchwork blanket one day x