Recipe: Crab Apple and Chilli Jam

August 11, 2023 in Food & Drink

I love this time of year when the temperatures start to drop and the countryside is full of ripening fruits just waiting to be picked. This year we’ve gone on a bit of a foraging rampage and have managed to collect a good harvest of fruits including crab apples from my parents’ garden. Crab apples grow throughout Europe and thrive in heavy soil in hedgerows and woods. Generally, crab apples are too tart to eat raw but their apple flavour is intensified when…

Spotlight on Spitalfields: Yum Bun Steamed Buns

August 11, 2023 in Food & Drink, Things to do

I don’t often go into London these days but on a recent jaunt into the city with my sister, we decided to explore what foodie delights are now being served in Spitalfields Market which seems to be going more and more upscale. Having changed from a long-term vegetarian to a vegan this year I have discovered it can be tricky to find meals to cater for both my omnivore sister and myself but having done a bit of research beforehand…

Tips for Finding a Good Carpet Cleaner

August 11, 2023 in Home & Garden

Most households vacuum their carpets regularly. However, is that enough? We also need to consider odours embedded deep into the fibers and the fact that every time you walk on your carpet, you are pushing dirt deeper and deeper into the pile. Let’s not forget dust and other various chemicals in the air permeating into the carpet. You don’t even want to think about what the carpet fibers are hiding.  Renting a steamer and chemicals and doing the process yourself…

3 Ways to help the elderly be more mobile

August 9, 2023 in Lifestyle

Independence makes a huge difference to someone who is older or living with a disability, by giving them the opportunity to be able to do things around the house or when out and about. There are a number of ways to help the elderly maintain their independence whilst also ensuring their safety. Today I am going to tell you about 3 ways to help the elderly be more mobile. Walking Frames When you think of mobility aids you probably picture a…

Top Gifts For Your Loved One This Christmas

August 3, 2023 in Lifestyle

Dare we say the C-word yet? Christmas is fast approaching and you will soon have to start thinking about what presents you are wanting to buy for your other half, family members and kids. Christmas can be an expensive time of the year especially if you have a lot of people to buy for. If you use your budget wisely then you should know how much you have to spend on everyone.  Here are some ideas to treat that special…

5 easy ways to make your home more eco-friendly

July 31, 2023 in Home & Garden

My family has always been interested in making our home eco-friendly and more efficient. In fact, for as long as I can remember my parents have had solar panels on their roof both for making electricity and for producing hot water. We do our best to recycle as much as possible and use energy efficient products when we can. It is surprising that you don’t have to spend a lot of money or take on a big property refurbishment to…

Review: Birch Hideaway Hutch from Pets At Home

July 30, 2023 in Reviews

Recently I found myself seeking a new home for my 4 ferrets whom unfortunately had been escaping from their previous enclosure – much to my chagrin. I had a few requirements on my list: it must be fit into my garden in a suitable location, it must be large enough to provide adequate space for the 4 ferrets, be easy to clean out with minimal maintenance required and ideally be attractive to look at! So I found myself visiting Pets…

How To Enjoy A Cruise Holiday Without Splashing Out

July 30, 2023 in Travel

Eager to go on a cruise holiday, but not sure your budget will stretch to it? Fortunately, there are many ways to cut the costs of cruises that can make it an affordable holiday option for anyone. Here are just a few tips for saving money when at sea. Go all inclusive All inclusive deals are a great way to save money. These often include free drinks and free food, reducing the amount of spending money required whilst on your…

10 Cultural date ideas in Fife

July 29, 2023 in Dating, Travel

Let’s face it, the last 18 months or so have been pretty miserable for dating. Between not being allowed out to socialise to social distancing it has been hard to meet people and go on adventures. Luckily from this week things should be getting back to a bit more normal and we’ll be free to date and explore! I met my boyfriend on a dating app in 2020 during the first lockdown and we had to wait 3 months before…



Welcome to Life in Lilac, a lifestyle blog run by Micaela which encompasses all areas of life.

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