Dating a Gamer? Here are 10 date ideas!

April 3, 2022 in Dating

Are you a gamer? Or are you dating a gamer? Are you struggling to think of date ideas? My boyfriend is a gamer so I know exactly what you’re going through! Console yourself with this list of 10 ideas for gamer dates ideas and level up to a dating expert! Play games online together During lockdown dating became tricky, because we weren’t allowed to meet people in person online gaming was one of the only options available for having fun…

Spotlight on Spitalfields: Good Mood Matcha

April 1, 2022 in Food & Drink

There’s nothing I like more than to treat myself to an icy drink when the weather picks up in the summer months and this year I have had the chance to fall in love with iced matcha. I have made my own at home in the past (see my recipe here), but it is always fun to enjoy something that someone else has made so I was excited to try the Iced Matcha Latte from Good Mood Matcha on my recent visit…

Prepare For Christmas Sooner Rather Than Later

April 1, 2022 in Lifestyle

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it is time to set our sights on the next big holiday. We are, of course, talking about Christmas. The jolliest time of year is almost upon us with just over a month today, and if you haven’t started preparing yourself or your home yet, now is the time to start. If you are struggling on how best to do this, we’ve got some advice down below to help you out. Stock Up…

Craft Project: Quilting with Cricut Maker

March 30, 2022 in Crafts

At the end of last year I bravely decided to attend a sewing workshop run by a talented local sewer to make my own Christmas stocking and despite having a phobia of sewing machines I really enjoyed the session so when the lady decided to run a quilting for beginners course I decided I wanted to face my fear head on and learn how to quilt! At our first session, I was introduced to the prospect of measuring and cutting…

10 Socially Distant Date Ideas

March 29, 2022 in Dating

If, like me, you started a new relationship after the Corona virus hit then your last few months of dating might have been a little different to previous relationships. Instead of going out to restaurants and seeing movies you’ve probably ended up doing more low-key things and finding ways to have fun together whilst avoiding the risks of crowds. My relationship started during lockdown so we didn’t actually meet in person for almost 3 months! During these 2 months we…

Sports Clothing Essentials for Autumn

March 28, 2022 in Fashion

Just because the temperature is dropping, it’s darker and more likely to rain doesn’t mean that you should give up on your outdoor exercise routine in the Autumn. Although it might be tempting to use the weather as an excuse to take a break, with the right kit there really isn’t a reason to stay at home. Keeping dry and comfortable is key especially in the colder weather. One of the easiest mistakes is to wear too much when exercising…

Review: Rebel Chocolate Lactose-Free Bar

March 28, 2022 in Food & Drink

Since the start of the year, spurred on by my own weight loss journey, I have been learning more and more about nutrition and specialist diets. In fact, I have just successfully completed a Diploma in Nutrition and Weight loss, so when I heard that there was a company out there making a chocolate with an improved nutritional profile I wanted to learn more. Rebel Chocolate has an ethos; to reject the norm through innovative thinking – maximise the good and…

Review: Prestige Flowers Mother’s Day Bouquet

March 25, 2022 in Lifestyle, Reviews

Have you started planning for Mother’s Day yet? I know it’s still a couple of weeks away but there’s no time like the present to start thinking about treating mum on the 31st March. This year was a big year for my mum as she turned 60 and we organised several special events to celebrate including a family meal out, a trip to Lisbon and an exciting Murder Mystery day on the Belmond British Pullman train.

How to Maintain Meal Planning During the Summer

March 22, 2022 in Food & Drink

Knowing what to do with Christmas leftovers is easy enough. Even if the weather is too grim to go anywhere, you can still separate the turkey and veg into boxes and make something up on the spot, which can help you save money in the kitchen. However, things change when the summer rolls around. Rather than being stuck inside, you’re out, you’re doing things, you’re seeing people and basking in the sunshine. As fun as this is, it also means…



Welcome to Life in Lilac, a lifestyle blog run by Micaela which encompasses all areas of life.

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