Small Ways To Instantly Improve Your Life

May 19, 2023 in Health - Micaela

Improving your life takes dedication and focus, but it doesn’t always have to be difficult things. Making better choices in life can be focusing on simple changes in life that can help you lead an overall happier and healthier life. Working towards getting a more positive mindset and helping improve your mental health.

Morning and bedtime routines are one of the best things you can introduce into your daily routine. It helps centre yourself and do the basic things each day which contribute to your physical and mental health. In your morning routine, you can make sure to include things like your skincare routine, having a shower, brushing your teeth, journal and writing a to-do list for the day, and meditation.

All these things will set you up for a positive day, give you a better mindset which can make you more productive in the day too. Then for your bedtime routine, you can look to reflect on the day and fill out a gratitude journal to focus on the positive things that happened that day, read, do your skincare routine and do something to pamper yourself. This could be panting your nails, having a face mask, or having a relaxing bubble bath.  

We all know smoking is bad for you and if you do have that vice then it is certainly something to look at stopping to improve your health and your life. It will also save you a lot of money. It can be hard to quit especially if you have done it for a long time. So one of the things you can do instead which is still a lot healthier is to look at using a vape instead. You can make it more enjoyable as they have so many different flavours you can try, have a look at for more information. 

Driving is life-changing, once you have passed your test you will want to drive everywhere. But driving everywhere isn’t always the best option. Small simple trips like going to the shop or down the road don’t need a car for the journey but are still often used. It is a waste of petrol, not good for the planet and you can be so much healthier by walking instead for these short journeys. 

One of the most simple things you can do is to simply drink more water. There are so many benefits to drinking water and so many of us do not do it. Not drinking enough water can contribute to things like headaches, dehydration, and water retention. A good thing to do is to get a big water bottle and try to drink from it several times a day and refill it once or twice. Drinking water can also help improve your skin and make you look healthier overall. 

Social media is a great part of life but there is so much negativity and so many toxic people out there that it can corrupt the enjoyment of it. You may find that you follow people who lead lives they portray which are unrealistic and you just end up feeling bad and negative after being online.

One of the things you can do to improve your life online is to go through your feeds and unfollow and unfriend anyone who contributes to negativity online for you. You don’t have to justify why, it is important to look after your mental health and if that is by unfollowing people who drain you mentally or make you feel sad and low then so be it. 

Improving your social life is a great thing to focus on. Life gets in the way and so often we can go months without seeing our friends or even speaking to them, not through text messages. After the last year and not being able to see our loved ones for so long, it has highlighted it more than ever. Your friends and family are some of the most important things in your life and something you should cherish and work on.

Make an effort to pick up the phone and have a catch-up. Especially with your grandparents, it will mean the world to them. As things start to ease and get back to normal you can also look at meeting people again. Try to meet up with your friends and family more regularly, book it in your diary like you would any other appointment, and don’t cancel or move it. It will help strengthen your relationships.


Micaela combines her love for all things digital and all things creative with a career in digital marketing alongside running three blogs. Micaela has been blogging since 2012 and loves sharing new experiences, products and her passions with her readers.

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